Anyway, this weekend was a great one, even if it involved the electricity going out on Sunday and me getting sick.
Saturday, we headed up to Flemington, NJ to meet up with Bill's parents for lunch and a little shopping. We went to his mom's favorite tea shop, Teaberries. Its the cutest little Victorian home converted into a restaurant and tea shop. They kept the original layout, so you get to eat in the old bedrooms and parlors. After we had our fill of yummy food and tasty tea, we headed down Main St to a vintage shop where I might have went a little overboard. I could have bought everything in the store, it was such a good shop. I had to force myself to pass up a set of numbered napkins, outdoor chair cushions and about a million other things I had my eye on.
I did however, pick up the following...
This set of six retro glasses. They remind me of 60's picnics with Coca Cola!
These great pear and apple framed prints were a steal. I realize they are apples... in a bathroom. But I think they look like rear ends, which is pretty fitting, haha.
And then there was this little guy. Bill thinks he's weird and amateur looking. I love him, and his mom backed me up. I love all the negative space. And though you can't see it in this picture, there is this great layering of paint so you can see the turquoise and tan used to make the dark shadows. Love it. Still need to find a home for him, but love it.
Lastly, I got this great turquoise mason jar to use as a vase.
On the way back home, we actually pulled over so I could walk in the Jersey woods to pick wildflowers! The other drivers must have thought I was insane. Whatever, it was worth it. Look how cute they are!
Besides buying too many things, this weekend was about more Spring Cleaning. I finally got around to working on my above-the-bed art. I bought a floating frame that started out like this...
and ended up like this...
I will change the leaves, and obviously hang it on the wall.... above the bed... but that's for another day.
We did finally get rid of the boring, gray slab!
Take a look...
Its a definite improvement. And we get to write little love notes to one another now!
Next weekend I plan on cleaning up the base boards and freshening them up with some new, white paint. Hopefully that post won't be in a month from now...