Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Party!

Last weekend we invited some of our friends for a Halloween party at our new (well, new-ish) apartment. I spent WAY too much time decorating the place. Several times I've tried to save money by making something myself and just end up spending a ridiculous amount of time instead. This was one of those times. I never want to cut out a paper bat again...

Oh, and did I mention we had snow? Snow! In October! I might be one of the only people in Philadelphia's history to have a Halloween party threatened by snow.

Our creepy potions and spooky decor! 

Our costumed guests... 

The recently engaged Timmy and Anna as American Gothic... or Pennsylvania Amish... or Little House on the Prairie 

Bill's siblings Sam and Jon (grey and red shirts) managing the spiked cider with
Rob and Jess

Greg as Popeye, Holly as a pirate and Rejoice as the Morton Salt Girl- which is a pretty awesome costume choice. 

John and Mandy as the late, great MJ and his Thriller lady lover. They showed off their Thriller dance  moves after coming back from a Thriller dance class. Yeah, they have mad skills.

Bill and I are cult classic movie characters. He's Hunter S. Thompson/Raoul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and I'm Marla Singer from Fight Club. Bill does not have a tumor and he did not name it after me. I just like Fight Club. 

Before the party, a few of us went to Terror Behind the Walls at Eastern State Penitentiary. It's a haunted attraction inside a real prison that is half a block away from us. Check out my article about it here

Reading left to right: Jon, Sam, me, Bill, Jess and Rob

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