Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend Update with Jane Curtain

Ok, not really, it's just a weekend update with the MegEwans.

Saturday night Bill and I had over a couple acquaintances from his work who both happen to be from St. Louis- which made me ecstatic, needless to say. While they both hailed from North Country and I'm over the river and through the woods to Southern IL, it was nice to have someone know where Edwardsville is.

While I didn't take pics of the dinner I snapped a few pics before of some of the nightly decor.

Then today we woke up around 4 a.m. to go to the Tough Mudder in NJ. For those of you not in the know on this one, the Tough Mudder is a obstacle course challenge spread over 10+ muddy miles. For the most part the challenges are climbing over stuff, carrying stuff or running and slipping on stuff but they throw in ridiculous obstacles like "try breathing in a pound of smoke for three minutes" and "try not dying while we shock your muddy body from 13 different directions". Yea.... 

So Bill made it through... again. This being his third Tough Mudder. He's qualified for a Tough Mudder mega-race in December that is a 24-hour race in the freezing cold with more water obstacles. Silly Billy. 
Here's a few captured images and video from today's race. 

Bill running after the first water obstacle and at the finish line. 

At the beginning of the race they start by chasing a monster truck. To "Eye of the Tiger". Yep.

I couldn't get a video of Bill doing this one up close but if you look closely you can see camo shorts over black tights in the background. That's him. Oh, and he kicked ass at this one. 

A few extra images another team member's girlfriend took... 

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